Thursday, June 07, 2012

Schools need to go back to teaching!!!

In a world of terrorism, famine, pestilence, political corruption, & just plain sloth the mere fact that a 15 year boy would wear a religious symbol in honor of their grandparent should be praised and recognised as courageous in this time and day. In a world where religions have come into direct conflict and blood is spilled once again because of a persons faith the mere act of showing support for someone is amazing.

While gangs maybe 'coopting' religious symbols this does not mean that the symbols are any less important to devote members of the faith. It seems to me that we are letting crime and so-called gangs run our schools, when the schools and by extension parents & politicians should be focusing on what is truly important to our next generation, education.

 We have taken our schools and by extension neighborhoods down to the lowest common denominator. We sit here and gripe about how all is wrong with the world but do nothing about it. We decry government involvement into our lives then bitch and moan when they don't come to our aid the way we think they should.

Part of the problem I have with the school districts and there so called "dress code" is that they don't take into account the person who is wearing the clothes or article. I mean California does not allow the wearing of blue, red, Oakland Raiders, & the like clothing because they could be associated with gangs such as the Crips and the Bloods, but what of the kid who has grown up watching the Raiders play and just wears the jersey to school on Monday simply to show support for their team on Monday Night Football.

In one district in Texas the dress code actually states that girls can not wear "halter tops, sleeveless shirts, or shorts that are too short. However, think about Texas in early June, 100 degrees and high humidity and the school district that can not pay for teachers, books, class supplies, & A/C expect these kids to wear hotter than hell clothing simply because some bureaucrat is afraid of what some boy might be thinking. Well is that not what school is for to make the young begin thinking. Thinking is not bad the acting on the thoughts is what could be bad and educating our young is supposed to teach them what is right and what is wrong, but how can we do that if we hamstring the kids, teachers, and even parents with bureaucracy.

We are a nation of "have our cake and eat it too". We go through our lives just watching the injustice in the system the inherent design flaws within it but honestly do nothing about them. We see the hungry, the ill, & the forgotten and we just think "oh someone must do something, just so long as it does not take from me, and if we do do something to help these underprivileged then we want, as Jay Leno put it, everyone to know the great work we are doing anonymously. I this respect we are truly more recognisable as a society based on Marie Antoinette, as many feel that just giving them a monetary donation will help however anyone who knows will tell you that while having the money available is good having the people and materials to fix the problems would be better.

It is people like the young man that brought this blog to light simply for wearing a Rosary are the most likely to help fix and even better this society. Those who think "Oh the government should be the fix then they have not studied history and do not understand what they see, they believe the hype, the media, & the spin more than the record and the seen from their own eyes.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Pure Arrogance

Okay! Guess it is time for yet another "throat ripping" rant about the arrogance of some people. Besides the "normal" people, ie... politicians, supposed experts, and college professors, I am talking about those who prove the statement that; "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing"- Thomas Henry Huxley. Okay we all expect that those who have spent YEARS in a certain field or a certain location to have some knowledge and expertise when it comes to their area of knowledge but when you have someone who has just entered a field or location after work someplace else and in something else that has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with their new job but they think because they have a little knowledge in the broad field that that can be funneled into a “expertise” in the new location or field.

I have dealt with people who spent over a decade in the military working as a mechanic on military vehicles and then got a job working as security for a gate community. He thought that “well I was in the military so I know how security should be done” and the really bad thing was that the higher ups for the security company said that we should listen to him because he was ex-military and would know what to do. Now while I have nothing but the utmost respect for those who serve this country and feel we should do all we can to help them, there is a point where it is like wait what the hell is going on here.

The security company I mentioned above always hired ex-military and ex-law enforcement before anyone else and take a wild guess what the outcome was? That’s right they were usually the worst guards at any post they were posted at. They very often thought they were the experts and would not listen to anyone else when it came to procedure because they thought they knew best. I had to work with one who thought that since we are doing security for people who make six to seven figures a year we should do the same security that one would expect at a nuclear power plant; check ID’s, log VIN# of vehicles, even if the guest is an immediate family member call the resident to confirm if we should let them in. We tried to explain to him that this was not acceptable to the residents but he would not listen. We then had to inform the office of this and the response we got… “Oh, we’ll look into it”. To say the least this did not go over well when the residents found out. The office still took another month to get him off the post and we are pretty sure it is because the residents threatened to cancel the contract.

Then we got a guard who thought he knew better than everyone else how the computer should be set-up simply because he used one in his other job that was set-up the way he thought it should be, he did not take into account the level of competence others at the post had with Microsoft word, excel, and the like, he just thought his way was the right way and we were wrong for doing it any other way and to hell with whether a person knew how to use it or not. However, this is not the worst offence of arrogance out there that I have seen, that belongs to the people in the office themselves.

The person that is currently in charge of operations for the company has many years of security, which in itself is a good thing, seems to have no clue how to manage the day to day operations of the company. As one example they hired someone to work a post with a set schedule that includes weekends but when they hired this person he informed them that he could not work any Saturday for the first two months work that post because of previous engagement, which is fine. However, the issue arises when the very first Saturday comes around and he does not show up at the time because he had gotten hired with the knowledge that he could not do those days, the problem arises when the office was called to inform them that no relief had arrived and they asked “Who was supposed to be there?” All I could think was “Are you fu%$ing joking, you’re the operations manager and you are asking me who is supposed to be here?” This went on for eight straight weeks, never knowing if relief would show or not and when we called getting the same response. However, if you call them on any of this they assume the attitude of superiority you see in those with a Napoleonic Complex of they can do no wrong and are always right, even when they aren’t.

This pure arrogance can do more harm to the company through the low morale of its employees than any other common workplace occurrence. While I do agree with promoting from within I do have one very big codicil to this. If a person cannot fulfill the duties correctly or truly does not have the knowledge base or necessary attitude to learn from mistakes and others they should not get the job and if they do they should lose the job in favor of better candidate even if hired from outside the company.

Friday, March 02, 2012

A True Rant of Epic Proportions

Okay, while this may sound extreme and even nihilistic to some if not many out there I think perhaps it is time for humanity to as the Bard said "shuffle off this mortal coil". I have spent the last 20 hours dealing with what could only be referenced as the dregs of humanity, by this I do not mean the criminal element I mean just people who seem to not grasp simple everyday things like; not putting up signs that advertise one thing and when people go to do it telling them you can't do it, following simple traffic common sense by not turning left from the far right lane, not taking an order for food and taking the money and then saying that you don't have what was ordered or the container for what was ordered (large coffee) but still expecting to get paid for the item & finally hiring a security company but not asking the officers input on security issues and saying they are wrong when they tell you that the way you want it done will not work in that environment.

Now while I understand their are just some people out there that don't care about what others think about them, and I fully admit I am one of these people, trying to screw over people is just BS! There are many people that work their fingers to the bone just trying to make a living to support their families and I commend them but it is the ones out there that are short changing, bait & switching, and misrepresenting themselves that this is directed at.

The hypocrisy of the societies are now becoming so rampantly blatant as to make people wonder how human civilization even survived as long as it did or how they could have been fooled into believing something other than the reality of a situation. Take the skyrocketing price of gas as an example. Since 2006 the price has been slowly but steadily increasing and during the previous administration there were screams from the public, media, pundits, & even congress for investigations into why this happened. However, after January of '09 this extremely vocal screaming ceased, why? This is quite strange when one takes into account as of January 19, 2009 the national average for regular was $1.84 a gallon and now it is $3.74 jumping $0.30 in one month, and a grand total of $1.90 in 4 years. In fact according to AAA a year ago the national average was $3.42 and one month ago it was $3.45. So I'm wondering where is this great outrage we saw just 5 years ago? What changed in this country? Did Americans get smarter and realize it was not politicians that controlled prices? Or maybe the lives of the Kardashians, Lindsay Lohan, and those of other "celebrities" just assaulted, i mean fascinated, us more so than before or was it the deaths of Whitney Houston & Davey Jones that stopped Americans for realizing what was happening. Sad to say but I actually hope so because the other possibility is even scarier to any relatively sane person and that is WE JUST DON'T CARE ANYMORE. If that is the case then my case is made that maybe it truly is time for humanity to go the way of the dinosaur and the Dodo bird.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Libyan Desecration

OKAY that is it!!! I have absolutely had it with the double standard in this world. U.S. military personnel burned the Koran in Afganistan, so Libyan Islamists desecrate British tombstones dating back to WWII. WHAT DOES ONE HAVE TO DO WITH THE OTHER?
Someone please explain this to me? I mean how can this even be thought to be right.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

American Entertainment

Okay I know this may sound strange but I need to know if I am the only one who thinks this way. America, "the entertainment capital of the world", has truly reached the bottom of the barrel. Over one quater of the all the movies coming out in the year are remakes; Red Dawn, Footloose, & the like, or based on games; such as Battleship. Even television shows have gone completely down hill to where in a season of 100's of shows only a handful, and usually the ones that were already have a following, stay but even those pale in contrast to european television and movies, especially when it comes to British TV. 

Interesting week

This has been an interesting week in this country. Gas prices climbing rapidly, to where experts are saying $4.50 by August, and nothing more than a blip on mainstream media. Hmmm is it any wonder that people are truly confused by the PC in this country.