Sunday, February 26, 2012

Libyan Desecration

OKAY that is it!!! I have absolutely had it with the double standard in this world. U.S. military personnel burned the Koran in Afganistan, so Libyan Islamists desecrate British tombstones dating back to WWII. WHAT DOES ONE HAVE TO DO WITH THE OTHER?
Someone please explain this to me? I mean how can this even be thought to be right.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

American Entertainment

Okay I know this may sound strange but I need to know if I am the only one who thinks this way. America, "the entertainment capital of the world", has truly reached the bottom of the barrel. Over one quater of the all the movies coming out in the year are remakes; Red Dawn, Footloose, & the like, or based on games; such as Battleship. Even television shows have gone completely down hill to where in a season of 100's of shows only a handful, and usually the ones that were already have a following, stay but even those pale in contrast to european television and movies, especially when it comes to British TV. 

Interesting week

This has been an interesting week in this country. Gas prices climbing rapidly, to where experts are saying $4.50 by August, and nothing more than a blip on mainstream media. Hmmm is it any wonder that people are truly confused by the PC in this country.